Igor Malijevský

Igor Malijevský

Poet, journalist, photographer, organiser of special theatre evenings. He has exhibited in Kassel, Berlin, Sofia, Budapest and Dallas. He was born in Prague on 15 April 1970.

Title Publisher Year Selected published translations Awards
Moon over the River Tejo (Měsíc nad řekou Tejo) Argo 2014
The Hunger Cookbook (Hladová kuchařka) Novela bohemica 2013
The Second Day After the End of the World (Druhý den po konci světa) Milan Hodek 2013
Friendship (Družba) Protis 2005
Belomorka (Bělomorka) Protis 2003
Měsíc nad řekou Tejo
Moon over the River Tejo
Měsíc nad řekou Tejo
Hladová kuchařka
The Hunger Cookbook
Hladová kuchařka
Druhý den po konci světa
The Second Day After the End of the World
Druhý den po konci světa
(...)the world of Malijevský’s short stories is not formed as an artificial construct but is built in such a way that it recalls the capturing of lived reality through language.
—Markéta Kittlová

He graduated in theoretical physics from Charles University, though he did not complete his studies in philosophy there. He has focused on artistic photography since 1995 and has twice won the Czech Press Photo competition. He has exhibited across the world, both independently and as part of group exhibitions – from Korea to China, America to the Netherlands. Together with Jaromír Rudiš he organises the cabaret EKG, which premieres at the Archa Theatre in Prague. He collaborates with Czech Radio and Czech newspapers, literary newspapers and magazines.

He made his debut with the poetry collection Bělomorka (Belomorka, Protis, 2003). Critic Radim Kopáč wrote that, “Bělomorka avoids stylization, it is rough, underpinned by the author’s authentic experiences: we open a diary written by a vagrant with no money, with ragged clothes, smelling of smoke from Russian cigarettes, and with a bottle of vodka, or at least a beer, in his pocket. We leaf through his life, we turn the pages of battered love and friendship – terms that are suddenly revealed in their primary meanings, freed from the debris of caricature.” The author published another book two years later, this time the prose work Družba (Friendship) – named after where the author lives – Náves Družby in Čelechovice. “I’m really glad that they didn’t rename it Náves T. G. Masaryka. Družba is a really nice word – I know it has some bad associations, but I have a soft heart so I don’t let it put me off,” he said in an interview for the newspaper Právo.

His second poetry collection, Druhý den po konci světa (The Second Day After the End of the World, Milan Hodek, 2013), came out ten years after his first collection.  It consists of eight longer civic-orientated poems with a distinctive inner rhythm and existential energy.

He wrote a humorous cook-book, Hladová kuchařka (The Hungry Cook, Novela bohemika, 2013), with Marian Palla providing the illustrations. In the collection Měsíc nad řekou Tejo (Moon over the River Tejo, Argo, 2014) Malijevský transcribed the texts from the EKG literary show. “Igor Malijevský’s short stories aren’t so far from the work of Emil Hakl. Both authors employ a similar narrator – a man who is roughly the same age and from the same background, and who normally leads a rather less than ordered life. Both authors have in common a fondness for describing bizarre situations and ridiculous characters (in Malijevský’s short story Kolotoč [Carousel] we read about two people stranded on a Ferris wheel in a long-since derelict funfair, the short story Multikulturní centrum [Multicultural Centre] is about a man who has never come to terms with the fact that his wife has left him. The components of a tractor have gradually moved into the bedroom to take her place),” wrote Markéta Kittlová in a review for iLiteratura.cz.

Igor Malijevský is the lyricist and singer for the band Hlinomazův apetit. They released a CD called U Zívalů (Protis, 2011).