Magdalena Wagnerová

Magdalena Wagnerová

Writer and publishing editor, scriptwriter, author of radio plays and texts for children. Her books have been published in English, French, German and Russian. She has been nominated for a Magnesia Litera and a Golden Ribbon award. She was born on 28 August 1960.

Title Publisher Year Selected published translations Awards
Fish Wishy (Ryba Chyba) Havran 2012
Rat the Great (Krys Veliký) Dybbuk 2010
Sunday Landscape (Krajina nedělní) Kniha Zlín 2010
Hlupýš the Slug (Hlupýš) Mladá fronta 2009
Mystery no. 28 (Záhada č. 28) Havran 2007
Karel or the Tale of Our Umbrella (Karel aneb Pohádka o našem deštníku) Dybbuk 2006
A Grain of Sand (Zrnko písku) Plot 2006
Paper (Papíří) Dybbuk 2005
Žabina & co. (Žabina a spol.) Brio 2005 FR
Pomegranate Tree (Strom s granátovými jablky) Havran 2004
Dog is Wiser Than Man (Pes moudřejší člověka) Plot 2004
Fairy Tales from the Deep (Pohádky z vodních hlubin) Brio 2004
Fairy Tales from the Sea (Pohádky z moře) Brio 2004
Spider on Sage (Pavouk na šalvěji) Dybbuk 2003
Appleton (Jablečňák ) Brio 2003
Here´s Why! (Proto!) Havran 2002
The Heart of Fairy Tales (Srdce pohádek) Plot 2002
A Blue Fairy Tale or Duck a la Blue (Modrá pohádka aneb Kachna namodro) Mladá fronta 2002
Why? (Proč?) Havran 2001
The Adventures of the Water Goblin (Vodníčkova dobrodružství) Aventinum 1995
Tales from Under the Pillow (Pohádky pod polštář) Volvox Globator 1992
Fish Wishy
Ryba Chyba
Rat the Great
Krys Veliký
Krajina nedělní
Sunday Landscape
Krajina nedělní
Hlupýš the Slug
Mystery no. 28
Záhada č. 28
Karel or the Tale of Our Umbrella
Karel aneb Pohádka o našem deštníku
A Grain of Sand
Zrnko písku
Žabina a spol.
Žabina & co.
Žabina a spol.
Strom s granátovými jablky
Pomegranate Tree
Strom s granátovými jablky
Pes moudřejší člověka
Dog is Wiser Than Man
Pes moudřejší člověka
Fairy Tales from the Deep
Pohádky z vodních hlubin
Fairy Tales from the Sea
Pohádky z moře
Spider on Sage
Pavouk na šalvěji
Here´s Why!
Srdce pohádek
The Heart of Fairy Tales
Srdce pohádek
Modrá pohádka aneb Kachna namodro
A Blue Fairy Tale or Duck a la Blue
Modrá pohádka aneb Kachna namodro
Vodníčkova dobrodružství
The Adventures of the Water Goblin
Vodníčkova dobrodružství
Pohádky pod polštář
Tales from Under the Pillow
Pohádky pod polštář
Wagnerová has created a distinctive children’s book, whose spontaneous, natural style of storytelling is tamed only by the sophisticated, numerically-based composition (using the favourite fairytale number twelve). In addition, she grabs child readers’ attention with humour, not underestimating their ability to be led and playfully subverting the conventions of specialist literature, while their grown-up parents will particularly appreciate the cheerful allegory of human ambitions, aspirations, toil, good and bad decisions.
—Milena Šubrtová

She studied television screenwriting and dramaturgy at FAMU, and she has written several scripts for television and radio. She co-founded the Havran publishing house, where she is in charge of an edition of modern European prose.

She debuted with the book Pohádky pod polštář (Tales from Under the Pillow, Volvox Globator, 1992), followed by Vodníčkova dobrodružství (The Adventures of the Water Goblin, Aventinum, 1995) and Proč? Pohádky o rybách, ptácích a jiných zvířatech (Why? Stories about Fish, Birds and Other Animals, Havran, 2001), Modrá pohádka aneb Kachna namodro (A Blue Fairy Tale or Duck a la Blue, Mladá fronta, 2002) and the stories Proto!: pohádky o muchomůrkách, pečených husách a jiných důležitých věcech (Here’s Why!: Stories about Toadstools, Roast Goose and Other Important Things, Havran, 2002). For Brio she prepared the anthologies Jablečňák (Appleton, Brio, 2003) and Pohádky z moře (Fairy Tales from the Sea) and Pohádky z vodních hlubin (Fairy Tales from the Deep, Brio, 2004).

Her first prose work for adults as an author was the literary travesty Pavouk na šalvěji (Spider on Sage, Dybbuk, 2003); in this novella she makes use of her experience with the children’s story, but here she offers it in a rough form that parodies the genre itself. Similar in tone is Strom s granátovými jablky (Pomegranate Tree, Havran, 2004). The novel Papíří (Paper, Dybbuk, 2005), about a librarian enclosed in “papery” isolation, tells of how important it is to fulfil one’s dreams. The novel Krajina nedělní (Sunday Landscape, Kniha Zlín, 2010) is a linguistically refined triple novel about domestic and foreign – i.e. cross-border – relationships.

Magdalena Wagnerová’s latest book is the novel Rodinná anamnéza (Family Anamnesis, Havran, 2015), which intersects in the figure of Hana Weinbergerová, a strong and unconventional woman, and in her memories.