Martin Langer

Martin Langer

Screenwriter, director, photographer, traveller and poet. He won the Jiří Orten Award in 2002. He has directed some thirty documentary films and portraits of writers. He was born in Varnsdorf on 18 July 1972. He has brewed beer, written advertisements, washed dishes and sold books.

Title Publisher Year Selected published translations Awards
Old Gestures (Stará gesta) Dybbuk 2009
Journey around (Cesta kolem) Labyrint 2007
Sounds (Hlásky) Dybbuk 2006
Drinking the Vinegar (Pití octa) Host 2001  2002 Jiří Orten Award
Mountain Passes (Průsmyky) Host 1997
I Won´t Die Completely (Já nezemřu zcela) Protis 1996
Animal Gospel (Animální evangelium) Mladá fronta 1992
The Palace of Schizophrenics (Palác schizofreniků) Pražská imaginace 1990
Stará gesta
Old Gestures
Stará gesta
Cesta kolem
Journey around
Cesta kolem
Pití octa
Drinking the Vinegar
Pití octa
Mountain Passes
Já nezemřu zcela
I Won´t Die Completely
Já nezemřu zcela
Animální evangelium
Animal Gospel
Animální evangelium
Palác schizofreniků
The Palace of Schizophrenics
Palác schizofreniků
Award Year Country
Jiří Orten Award 2002 Česká republika
Langer remains solitary after a painful struggle trying to extract something of substance. His existential enthusiasm is present in this non-exhibitionist, internally muted, compelling poetry.
—Wanda Heinrichová

He made his debut with Palác schizofreniků (The Palace of Schizophrenics, Pražská imaginace 1990). He wrote these poems when he was fifteen or sixteen and says of the book that it was like “an examination of adolescence”. Two years later saw the publication of Animální evangelium (Animal Gospel, Mladá fronta, 1992) and then the collection Já nezemřu zcela (I Won’t Die Completely, Protis, 1996). “It is never a game, or sentimental, or about the love of words. Everywhere it is about the concise and persistent precision of description. Describing both the irrationality and absurdity of the world: sharpening scythes with snow,” wrote poet Jiří Staněk about another of Langer’s collections, Průsmyky (Mountain Passes, Host, 1997).

Four years later Host also published his collection Pití octa (Drinking the Vinegar, Host, 2001), which won the Jiří Orten Award a year later. “It is poetry filled with existential questions and at the same time the personal testimony of a poet trying to bring attention to those values which have not lost their meaning over the course of time. However, another of Langer’s basic questions is present throughout this collection. How do we force language to ‘express the unexpressible’ in order for it to be possible to look beyond the deceptive borders of sensory perception?” wrote Miroslav Chocholatý in his review for the magazine Host. In Pití octa Langer is existential, he opens up personal myths and delves into family memories. “We lit an intoxicating cigarette / and killed ourselves with fictions / In the middle of All Souls / the two of us lifeless / we danced a dance of hate.”

The collection Hlásky (Sounds, Dybbuk, 2007), illustrated by Adriena Šimotová, is filled with a pessimistic poetic and sharply edged words. Stará gesta (Old Gestures, Dybbuk, 2009) then leads inexorably towards death, albeit framed within a desire for the world to have some meaning: “We are not good people / or evil gods / something between vast sides / Take space!”
Langer is represented in dozens of poetry anthologies and has published both poetry and photographs in magazines. He filmed the documentary Kremličkiana – Léto s básníkem Vítem Kremličkou (A Kremlička-fest – Summer with the Poet Vít Kremlička).  There have also been several portraits of Czech writers including Václav Kahuda, Marka Míková, Bohumila Grögerová, Martin Reiner and Lubomír Typlt.

Notable awards
 2002 Jiří Orten Award