Irena Dousková

B. Proudew

Trans. Mirko Kraetsch
Der tapfere Bella Tschau Der tapfere Bella Tschau
Der tapfere Bella Tschau
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2006
Language: German
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency

The story of this book is told by a young girl who is at once smart and naive. Helenka guides us through the first years of the “government” of the communist president Husák, describing comic as well as less amusing episodes and situations involving children and grown-ups in one town in the course of a year. The short episodes create a compact story which reveals both the small and greater tragedies of Helenka’s childhood, all presented with a comforting forgiveness.

Information about the original Czech edition

Hrdý Budžes

Other selected published translations (2)

Dumny Bądźżeś Polish

B. Proudew English

Der tapfere Bella Tschau
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2006
Language: German
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency