Patrik Ouředník

Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century

Trans. Gerald Turner
Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century
Dalkey Archive Press, 2005, 120 pp
Language: English
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Essay  |  English sample translation available

Told in an informal, mesmerizing voice, Ouredník represents the twentieth century in all its contradictions and grand illusions, demonstrating that nothing substantial has changed between 1900 and 1999–humanity is still hopeful for the future and still mired in age-old conflicts. As he demonstrates that nothing can be reduced to a single, true viewpoint, Ouredník mixes hard facts and idiosyncratic observations, highlighting the horror and absurdity of the twentieth century and the further absurdity of attempting to narrate this history.

Information about the original Czech edition


Other selected published translations (9)

Europeana. Eine kurze Geschichte Europas im 20. Jahrhundert German

Europeana: Zwiezla historia XX wieku Polish

Europeana: Una breve historia del siglo XX Spanish

Europeana: Kortfattad historia om nittonhundratalet Swedish

Европеана: Краткя история двадцатого века Russian

Europeana: Breve storia del XX secolo Italian

Europeana: Een zeer korte geschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw Dutch

Europeana: Une brève histoire du vingtième siècle French

Europeana – det tjuende århundrets historie i korte trekk Norwegian

Dalkey Archive Press, 2005, 120 pp
Language: English
Foreign rights:
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