Patrik Ouředník

Europeana. A Brief History of the Twentieth Century

Trans. Elena Paul
Europeana: Breve storia del XX secolo Europeana: Breve storia del XX secolo
Europeana: Breve storia del XX secolo
Duepunti, 2011
Language: Italian
Foreign rights:

Juxtaposing East and West and blurring Barbie and Buchenwald, Ourednik’s stream of historical consciousness shreds familiar narrative trajectories and compresses 100 years of still-fresh history into a roughly equivalent number of pages. The result is a self-consciously absurd melange of grandiose vision, junk science, and casually quantified atrocity, an autistic narration of sociological fact with the barest sense of moral gravity. It is a reminder of how horrifying and inscrutable the past century has been. But, like many modernist works pursuing perspective through distortion, this one is helped along considerably by its wit. Czech-born Ourednik has spent the last 20 years in France, and his existentialist bent fits surprisingly well with his linguistic playfulness and his Communist-era gallows humor. The author’s professed affinity for Vonnegut and Flaubert is evident, and fans of those authors may particularly enjoy this book’s wry cry for a more humane twenty-first century. Pithy, occasionally poignant, and not just for Europeanists.

Brendan Driscoll
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

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More informations about the Book in Italian here

Information about the original Czech edition


Other selected published translations (9)

Europeana. Eine kurze Geschichte Europas im 20. Jahrhundert German

Europeana: Zwiezla historia XX wieku Polish

Europeana: Una breve historia del siglo XX Spanish

Europeana: Kortfattad historia om nittonhundratalet Swedish

Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century English

Европеана: Краткя история двадцатого века Russian

Europeana: Een zeer korte geschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw Dutch

Europeana: Une brève histoire du vingtième siècle French

Europeana – det tjuende århundrets historie i korte trekk Norwegian

Europeana: Breve storia del XX secolo
Duepunti, 2011
Language: Italian
Foreign rights: