David Zábranský

A Weakness for Every Other Beach

Trans. László G. Kovács
Mindig más strandra vágyik Mindig más strandra vágyik
Mindig más strandra vágyik
L'Harmattan, 2014, 464 pp
Language: Hungarian
Foreign rights:
Prague Literary Agency

The young Czech author’s debut, now available in Hungarian, discards the established clichés of Czech Prose. Elegantly and humorously, using an original novel form – a bildungsroman without morality and development – it projects the lives of intentionally schematic characters, symbols and victims of their cultures onto such diverse topics as suffering, tourism, Auschwitz and kindness, the end of history and make-up.

With a foreword by István Vörös. Information in Hungarian available here.

Information about the original Czech edition

Slabost pro každou jinou pláž

Mindig más strandra vágyik
L'Harmattan, 2014, 464 pp
Language: Hungarian
Foreign rights:
Prague Literary Agency