Eugen Brikcius

The Best of My Possible Lives

Můj nejlepší z možných životů Můj nejlepší z možných životů
Můj nejlepší z možných životů
Pulchra, 2012, 240 pp

The memoir of a poet and philosopher, a pioneer of Czech happening, born in Prague in 1942 and living in Vienna since the early ’80s. An active artist in the ’60s, a prisoner of the communist regime and a poet writing in contemporary Latin in the ’70s, a graduate of the pres – tigious University College London and an exile in the ’80s, and one of the key figures of Czech culture from the early ’90s. Brikcius is a literary gourmet: his memoir is conceived as a colourful collage, as a genre and stylistic mosaic, as a natural synthesis of a heroic body with a clear and strong spirit. His life is his work. His work is his life. He destroys old myths to construct, in their place, a new myth – a self-myth. Namely with unique wit and playfulness, with refinement and urgency. Because, if he writes about himself, he always writes about others as well.

Můj nejlepší z možných životů
Pulchra, 2012, 240 pp