Ivan Wernisch

With a Shotgun Under this Coat

S brokovnicí pod kabátem S brokovnicí pod kabátem
S brokovnicí pod kabátem
Druhé město, 2014, 140 pp
Goodreads rating
81.6% (Rated by 13 users)

After his magnum opus Nikam (2010), this much-read and appreciated poet has published a collection whose name suggests many things. Stories sold, pictures suggested, appearances quoted and apparent quotes, a hint for the stupid and intervention for the clever. All of this playfully nostalgic and nostalgically playful. This way and that. How else when the author adds “It is a mysterious book. I read it now and I am amazed, amazed. Did I write that? Or shoot it? And where is my coat?”

S brokovnicí pod kabátem
Druhé město, 2014, 140 pp
Goodreads rating
81.6% (Rated by 13 users)