Petra Soukupová

To Disappear

Trans. Raffaella Belletti
Sparire Sparire
Atmosphere Libri, 2014, 312 pp
Language: Italian
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
Literary fiction

Petra Soukupová’s second book, which won the 2010 Magnesia Litera award for book of the year.

In this collection of three long stories, family relations are the central theme. Children narrate the first two stories, in the third, one of the narrators is already an adult, but she focuses on her childhood memories. In all the stories the heroes are trying to cope with family trauma which distances them from their loved ones and forces them to search for their own identity and place within the family. But we are not dealing here with dramatic, filmic twists serving to turn the heroes’ lives inside out: the real existential dramas are played out within the characters themselves.

Information in Italian can be found here.

Information about the original Czech edition


Other selected published translations (2)

Zniknąć Polish

Eltűnés Hungarian

Atmosphere Libri, 2014, 312 pp
Language: Italian
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency