Pavel Čech

The Great Adventures of Pepík Střecha

Velké dobrodružství Pepíka Střechy Velké dobrodružství Pepíka Střechy
Velké dobrodružství Pepíka Střechy
Petrkov, 2012, 216 pp
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
 2013 Muriel – Best original comics
 2013 Muriel – Best script
 2013 Magnesia Litera – For children and youth
Children’s and Young Adult, Comics

This is the ninth book of an acclaimed illustrator, painter and comic book writer. In terms of art, Čech admits to being influenced by Jiří Trnka, while on the literary side he draws especially the memories of the comforting times of his own childhood. He writes with light nostalgia, poeticising everyday moments and relying on adventurous and mysterious motifs. His new book, aimed at teenagers, tells a story from the border between reality and dream – he skilfully combines words and images to present an exciting journey of the protagonist mentioned in the title, a frightened boy with a head full of imagination and ideas, as he discovers himself and his place in the world. Pavel Čech was trained as a locksmith, then he worked in Královopolská engineering plant and as a firefighter; since 2004, he has been a freelance writer.

Velké dobrodružství Pepíka Střechy
Petrkov, 2012, 216 pp
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
 2013 Muriel – Best original comics
 2013 Muriel – Best script
 2013 Magnesia Litera – For children and youth