Christa Rothmeier

Freelance Czech scholar. She studied Romance and Slavonic studies in Vienna and Prague. From 1976 to 2008 she lectured on Czech literature and culture at the University of Vienna. She has published several anthologies (e.g. The Magic of a Banished Idyll. The Image of Vienna in Czech Literature in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Vienna 2004). Since 1993 she has translated more than 30 books into German, mainly poetry and prose (I. Binar, I. Blatný, P. Borkovec, J. Deml, B. Grögerová, Z. Hejda, P. Hůlová, J. Jedlička, P. Kolmačka, J. Neruda, J. Skácel, A. Zonová). She has translated three novels together with her daughter Julie Hansen-Löve (J. Kratochvil and M. Pilátová), and poetry by K. Rudčenková.
Among her awards are the Premia Bohemica (1999), the Austrian State Prize for Literary Translation 2000 and Gratias Agit 2007.

Lido di Dante
Lido di Dante
Petr Borkovec
Gute Nacht, süße Träume
Good Night, Sweet Dreams
Jiří Kratochvil
Love Poems
Petr Borkovec
Mein Lieblingsbuch
My Most Beloved Book
Markéta Pilátová
Das Versprechen des Architekten
The Promise
Jiří Kratochvil
Kurzer Abriss meines Lebens in der mongolischen Steppe
All This Belongs to Me
Petra Hůlová
Zur Strafe und zur Belohnung
As a Punishment and Reward
Anna Zonová
Nadelbuch: Gedichte
Petr Borkovec
Feldarbeit : Gedichte
Field Work
Petr Borkovec
Přívoz = Überfuhr
The ferry
Petr Borkovec

Title Author Year Publisher Awards
Lido di Dante (Lido di Dante) Petr Borkovec 2018 Edition Korrespondenzen
Gute Nacht, süße Träume (Good Night, Sweet Dreams) Jiří Kratochvil 2015 Braumüller
Liebesgedichte (Love Poems) Petr Borkovec 2014 Edition Korrespondenzen
Mein Lieblingsbuch (My Most Beloved Book) Markéta Pilátová 2012 Braumüller
Das Versprechen des Architekten (The Promise) Jiří Kratochvil 2010 Braumüller
Zur Strafe und zur Belohnung Anna Zonová 2008 Wieser Verlag
Kurzer Abriss meines Lebens in der mongolischen Steppe (All This Belongs to Me) Petra Hůlová 2007 Luchterhand
Zur Strafe und zur Belohnung (As a Punishment and Reward) Anna Zonová 2007 Wieser Verlag
Nadelbuch: Gedichte (Needle-Book) Petr Borkovec 2004 Edition Korrespondenzen
… nicht nötig, mich zu besuchen /… není nutné, abyste mě navštěvoval (No Need for You to Visit Me) Kateřina Rudčenková 2002 Wieser
Feldarbeit : Gedichte (Field Work) Petr Borkovec 2001 Edition Korrespondenzen
Přívoz = Überfuhr (The ferry) Petr Borkovec 1996 Edition Thanhäuser