Elżbieta Zimna

Theatre academic and Czech scholar at the Slavic Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Art. Her PhD thesis was on the plays of Václav Havel. She specializes in the history of Polish and Czech theatre, focusing on drama studies. In addition, she also translates Czech literature – theatre plays, novels and essays – including works by Roman Sikora, Václav Havel and Pavel Kohout, Martin Vopěnka, Ivana Myšková and Pavel Kosatík.

Petr Stančík
Piąty wymiar
The Fifth Dimension
Martin Vopěnka
Białe zwierzęta są bardzo często głuche
White Animals Are Very Often Deaf
Ivana Myšková
Podróżowanie z Beniaminem
My Journey to Nowhere
Martin Vopěnka

Title Author Year Publisher Awards
Bezrożec (Noceros) Petr Stančík 2020 Dowody na Istnienie
Piąty wymiar (The Fifth Dimension) Martin Vopěnka 2019 Dowody na Istnienie
Białe zwierzęta są bardzo często głuche (White Animals Are Very Often Deaf) Ivana Myšková 2018 Dowody na Istnienie
Podróżowanie z Beniaminem (My Journey to Nowhere) Martin Vopěnka 2016 Dowody na Istnienie