Johanna Posset

Translator. In 1990 she completed her studies in linguistics and Czech studies in Vienna and Prague. She works as a translator and interpreter in Vienna, translating mainly texts from the fields of law, economics, art history, prose and drama. She has translated books by Bohumila Grögerová and Markéta Hejkalová. She has taught Czech and German at universities in Vienna since 1992.

Brünner Erzählungen
Stories of the Town of Brno
Jiří Kratochvil
Geschichten über Sex und Ehe
Tales of Marriage and Sex
Michal Viewegh
Roman für Frauen
A Woman's Novel
Michal Viewegh
Die Liebe eines Vaters
Notes On Fatherly Love
Michal Viewegh

Title Author Year Publisher Awards
Brünner Erzählungen (Stories of the Town of Brno ) Jiří Kratochvil 2009 Braumüller
Geschichten über Sex und Ehe (Tales of Marriage and Sex) Michal Viewegh 2004 Deuticke
Roman für Frauen (A Woman's Novel) Michal Viewegh 2002 Deuticke
Die Liebe eines Vaters (Notes On Fatherly Love) Michal Viewegh 1999 Deuticke