Jiří Hájíček

Fish Blood

Trans. Vladimir Penčev
Рибя кръв Рибя кръв
Рибя кръв
Paradox, 2016, 412 pp
Language: Bulgarian
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
Goodreads rating
82.6% (Rated by 1140 users)
Literary fiction

With this novel for which he won the Magnesia Litera Book of the Year, Jiří Hájíček continues his line of rural prose, introducing readers to the countryside of Southern Bohemia. In 2008 Hana returns home to the village she grew up in after 15 years abroad. But the place she had imagined settling in, marrying and working as a schoolteacher has become a virtual ghost town. Seeing her father, brother and childhood friends Hana takes a searching look back and tries to heal old wounds.

After his successful 2006 Magnesia litera award winning novel Selský baroko (Rustic Baroque) set in the 1950s, Hájíček again uses the setting of a Czech village to explore very different social changes and its effect on people and communities.

Information about the original Czech edition

Rybí krev

Other selected published translations (2)

Rybia krew Polish

Riblja krv Serbian

Рибя кръв
Paradox, 2016, 412 pp
Language: Bulgarian
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
Goodreads rating
82.6% (Rated by 1140 users)