Marek Toman

My Golem

Trans. Andrea Balázs
A prágai Gólem A prágai Gólem
A prágai Gólem
General Press, 2010, 165 pp
Language: Hungarian
Foreign rights:
Prague Literary Agency
Children’s and Young Adult

A legend from the late 16th century tells of Rabbi Löw, who shaped the Golem out of clay and animated him. This creature’s task was to rush to the besieged Jews of Prague to help in times of need. Many varieties of this old story exist. Toman deals with the matter in a surprising way. He portrays Golem from the perspective of a 15-year-old boy, who lives in the Jewish ghetto. This boy is friends with a Christian girl living just behind the wall of the ghetto. The book authentically describes Jewish life and the relationship between Jews and Christians in Renaissance Prague.

Information about the original Czech edition

Můj Golem

Other selected published translations (1)

Der Prager Golem German

A prágai Gólem
General Press, 2010, 165 pp
Language: Hungarian
Foreign rights:
Prague Literary Agency