Radek Fridrich

Krooa krooa

Trans. Xavier Galmiche
crôa-crôa crôa-crôa
Revue K, 2017, 80 pp
Language: French

Sandstone rock cities, the alchemy of the landscape with its unrelenting “lyrical subjects” or the quest for fatherly love – these are the main features of Fridrich’s award-winning poetry collection.


And what about its mysterious title? Krooa krooa is a haunting screech of a raven, hovering above as a witness of the land and the fates of the people who live in it. The author is tightly connected to the northern Czech landscape, tirelessly depicting its mythologies and the Czech-German history in his works – at least since the collection V zahradě Bredovských (The Garden of the Bredovský Family) published by Host in 1999.

The original Czech edition won the 2012 Magnesia Litera Award for poetry.

More information in French here.

Information about the original Czech edition

Krooa krooa

Revue K, 2017, 80 pp
Language: French