Jiří Kratochvil

The Promise

Trans. Julia Hansen-Löve, Christa Rothmeier
Das Versprechen des Architekten Das Versprechen des Architekten
Das Versprechen des Architekten
Braumüller, 2010
Language: German
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency

The novel The Promise (Requiem for the Fifties) / Slib (rekviem na padesátá léta) is an intentional allusion to Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s novella The Pledge: Requiem for the Detective Novel) / Slib (rekviem na kriminální román), and at the same time it is about a promise unfulfilled. The novel is set in the author´s fateful town of Brno, mainly in the middle years of the twentieth century. The threads of the diversifying plot are pulled along by alternating narrators who weave together a story rooted in the times of emerging totalitarianism, with its omnipresent informers. The architect Kamil Modráček is subjected to a terrible test – he confronts the death of his sister as a consequence of a police interrogation. The story then changes into an absurd-symbolic scene on revenge, the results of which assume massively questionable outlines.

More information on the German edition here.

Information about the original Czech edition


Other selected published translations (1)

La promesa de Kamil Modráček Spanish

Das Versprechen des Architekten
Braumüller, 2010
Language: German
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency