Michal Ajvaz

Return of the Old Komodo Dragon

Trans. Veronika Siska
Die Rückkehr des alten Warans Die Rückkehr des alten Warans
Die Rückkehr des alten Warans
Wieser Verlag, 2019, 120 pp
Language: German
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency

This volume contains the author’s poetry debut – a collection called Murder in the Intercontinental Hotel / Vražda v hotelu Intercontinental, first published in 1989, together with a collection of short stories, Return of the Old Komodo Dragon / Návrat starého varana, first published in 1991.

Poetry, Prose, Short stories

Though one part of this volume is a collection of verse and the other short stories, the union is not inorganic. The fundamental structural principle is the same in both: the logically real space of Prague is disrupted by fantastic ideas that, somewhat surprisingly, do not disrupt the illusion of reality.

Books from the Tschechishe Auslese edition are published in cooperation with the Czech publishing house Větrné mlýny.

Information about the original Czech edition

Návrat starého varana

Other selected published translations (2)

Moderstwo w hotelu Intercontinental. Powrót starego warana. Inne miasto Polish

De kever Dutch

Die Rückkehr des alten Warans
Wieser Verlag, 2019, 120 pp
Language: German
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency