Dimitrij der Heiler Dimitrij der Heiler
Dimitrij der Heiler
Wieser Verlag, 2012
Language: German

The author of the novel Cesty na Sibiř (Journeys to Siberia), awarded with a Magnesia Litera in 2009, delivers his new book. The main character of the work of prose Vrač is a former director with numerous stints in regional and experimental theatres. Currently, he works as a Moscow utility operator. His ‘life’s production’ is turning out to be a cathartic stream of speech, an incessant grotesque monologue about absurdity which in Russia is perpetually directing human fates.

More information on the German edition here.

Information about the original Czech edition


Other selected published translations (1)

Vrach Bulgarian

Dimitrij der Heiler
Wieser Verlag, 2012
Language: German