Jan Balabán

We're here

Trans. Edgar de Bruin
Dona nobis pacem Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem
Voetnoot, 2012, 80 pp
Language: Dutch
Foreign rights:

The late Jan Balabán’s story collection Maybe We’re Leaving (Možná že odcházíme) was one of the major sensations of Czech literature of recent years and resulted in its winning the first Magnesia litera prize for book of the decade.

This later collection of stories likewise shows characters experiencing sudden ruptures in their lives where thier past lives fall apart. There is the communist actress Alexandra dying of cancer, Ludvík Chmelnický struggling with asthma, the abandoned Emil being pushed to the verge of suicide as well as the tragedy of Světlana’s broken family.

For more on the book in Czech go to Kosmas publisher’s page and in Dutch here.

For more on Jan Balabán, including links to an interview with his brother click here.

Dona nobis pacem
Voetnoot, 2012, 80 pp
Language: Dutch
Foreign rights: