Daniela Hodrová

A Kingdom of Souls

Trans. Borbála Csoma
Két szín alatt Két szín alatt
Két szín alatt
Typotex Kiadó, 2017, 230 pp
Language: Hungarian
Goodreads rating
72.4% (Rated by 71 users)

Through playful poetic prose, imaginatively blending historical and cultural motifs with autobiographical moments, Daniela Hodrová shares her unique perception of Prague.

Literary fiction

A Kingdom of Souls is the first volume of this author’s literary journey — an unusual quest for self, for one’s place in life and in the world, a world that for Hodrová is embodied in Prague.


A Kingdom of Souls is a dark and elusive novel, but it is also seductive. Hodrová’s precise expression […] and unexpected perspectives make for an impressively disturbing, compelling text.”

— M.A.Orthofer, The Complete Review

Information about the original Czech edition


Other selected published translations (5)

Cité dolente, N° 1 : Le royaume d'Olsany French

Das Wolschaner Reich : Città dolente I. German

Pod dwiema postaciami Polish

Sotto le due specie Italian

A Kingdom of Souls English

Két szín alatt
Typotex Kiadó, 2017, 230 pp
Language: Hungarian
Goodreads rating
72.4% (Rated by 71 users)