Pavel Čech

About a Garden

Le jardin merveilleux Le jardin merveilleux
Le jardin merveilleux
Gründ, 2005
Language: French
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency

This tale of the wandering little boy named František, together with Čech’s previous work About the Little Cloud, testifies to the author’s appreciation of Trnka’s The Garden, the domain of unaccomplished opportunities, which is open at any age. Čech’s dream-like, even melancholy picture books can do without lengthy commentary, sometimes even without the verbs that set Czech sentences in motion. Its illustrations are based, besides the author’s precision, on affectionate quotes of the style of Escher or Černý and the archetype of returning to a landscape outside of space and time, to which only those who know how to look will find the key.

Information about the original Czech edition

O zahradě

Le jardin merveilleux
Gründ, 2005
Language: French
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency