Radek Malý

The Postman Wind: (what it brought and what it whispered to me)

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Albatros, 2011, 40 pp
 2012 Golden Ribbon Award – Literary section: Literature for children
 2012 Magnesia Litera – For children and youth
Children’s and Young Adult

This is a multi-talented author: he masters both writing and translation, he moves in the realms of both adults and children, has prepared several didactic publications and a study on the reception of Georg Trakl in Czech literature. It is precisely Trakl, or rather, German Expressionism, that is the first cornerstone of the poetic works by Radek Malý; the other one is the grotesque line that is best represented in literature by Christian Morgenstern. Similar currents also flow through his books for children, or rather, for adolescent readers. If in the title Kam až smí smích (2009) it was playfulness, imagination and humour that predominated, it is a mournful and misty, gloomy mood that prevails in the new book. Here, the autumn rules, complete with allits charms, as well as a nostalgia for a world that was more natural, slower and more humane. For a world where people had time for nature, other people and themselves.

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Albatros, 2011, 40 pp
 2012 Golden Ribbon Award – Literary section: Literature for children
 2012 Magnesia Litera – For children and youth