Lidmila Kábrtová

Places in the Dark

Trans. Alexandra Cimpl-Simeonović
Mesta u tami Mesta u tami
Mesta u tami
Ammonite books, 2021, 192 pp
Language: Serbian
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
Literary fiction

A collection of loosely interconnected stories about women written in a pure style.

A set of twelve short stories loosely following on from one another about a number of heroines who share the same lack of grounding: Tereza staves off boredom with lovers, Karla with fun, Klára with wealth, Eva by sacrificing herself for her family, Alice by being brave… Events are supported by memories of a formative youth that leads to infidelity, promiscuity and abuse. These women’s stories collide with each other without any of them realizing it. Like the author’s debut work Koho vypijou lišky (Whom Foxes Drink Up, 2013), Places in the Dark is truly dark reading thanks in part to the language used, which is raw and direct.

Information about the original Czech edition

Místa ve tmě

Mesta u tami
Ammonite books, 2021, 192 pp
Language: Serbian
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency