Nesmír Nesmír
Karolinum, 2010, 72 pp
 2011 Jaroslav Seifert Prize

Nesmír – fifteen new texts from Karel Šiktanc (1928), classic writer of Czech poetry and winner of the Jaroslav Seifert Prize for 2011. This is a book of formal variety and precision of expression, inspecting segments of reality, small movements, pieces of images and fragments of scenes. Šiktanc, at a mature age, touches the real world more and more directly, with more passion and with an astonishment and weakness for its secrets. At the same time, the key topic, to which he has devoted much attention at least since his previous collection, Vážná známost (2008), is not so much transpersonal memory, but womankind – with all the beauty of female physicality and the wealth of female myth and enigmatic emotion. It is woman who drives the poet’s desire to enter into talks with the world, with others, and with himself

Karolinum, 2010, 72 pp
 2011 Jaroslav Seifert Prize