Tereza Semotamová, Jakub Vítek

Počong or On the Drudgery of Human Existence

Počong aneb O pinoživosti lidské existence Počong aneb O pinoživosti lidské existence
Počong aneb O pinoživosti lidské existence
Větrné mlýny, 2015, 334 pp

Every day, the hero of this novel undergoes a strange metamorphosis — his gender changes depending on the time of day. In the morning he is a woman who sells flowers, in the afternoon he works as a man in an umbrella repair shop. This story explores the life of an individual who is living two separate lives at once, two completely different world-views. Does this person have a place in our society, which is so strictly defined by its gender roles? The hero is looking for an answer to this troubling question in Tereza Semotamová and Jakub Vítek’s humorously-mystical story. The authors chronicle experiences and insights which are based on their own lives and, as evidenced by the notes, the vast majority of the bizarre geographical, biological and situational aspects of the plot have a basis in reality. This book reaffirms the fact that human fantasy often fails when confronted with the marvellous diversity which the real world around us possesses.


“The authors’ imaginations are truly boundless, which is reflected both in the plot, protagonists and the settings of the story, but also in the language and composition.”

Petr Nagy, Rozhlas.cz

Počong aneb O pinoživosti lidské existence
Větrné mlýny, 2015, 334 pp