Pavel Šrut

Brer Rabbit Fairy Tale

Pohádky brášky Králíka Pohádky brášky Králíka
Pohádky brášky Králíka
Knižní klub, 2008
 2008 Golden Ribbon Award – Literary section: Literature for children

In Afro-American and Caribbean folklore, Brother Rabbit represents the archetypal trickster, who usually overcomes all the obstacles devised by people or animals by replacing strength with wit, modesty with boasting and melancholy with palavering. The fifteen fables featuring the coon, some of which had already been introduced by the author in his collection Tiny Tom, Long Tom and Other Very American Fairy Tales, confirm that the sovereign poet is also a uniquely empathic storyteller, capable of transforming exotic subject matters so that they acquire a new poetic value and remembering, to the readers’ appreciation, that the word “fable” is closely linked with the term “fabulous”.

Pohádky brášky Králíka
Knižní klub, 2008
 2008 Golden Ribbon Award – Literary section: Literature for children