Michal Viewegh

The Case of Unfaithful Klára

Případ nevěrné Kláry Případ nevěrné Kláry
Případ nevěrné Kláry
Petrov, 2003

The story begins in the office of private eye Denis Pravda,  who specialises in shadowing unfaithful partners and is approached one day by popular writer Norbert Černý. The Case of Unfaithful Klára is not only an artfully formed self-reflecting parody on the life of a so-called successful author, but is above all a cleverly composed tale of love, friendship, and jealousy. The story is set in faraway China and is constructed around elements of the detective novel and a number of unexpected twists.

Případ nevěrné Kláry
Petrov, 2003