Petr Král

Collected Poems I

Sebrané básně I Sebrané básně I
Sebrané básně I
Větrné mlýny, 2013, 544 pp
Goodreads rating

Petr Král’s poetry, written over half a century, has to date been published only sporadically and without consistent editorial treatment, partly due to censorship which the author was subjected to over the years (first as a “surrealist”, then as an exile), which severely delayed the publication of his work. This collected edition will allow readers to grasp his poetry as a whole, making clear their internal unity and the unusual – inherently creative and human – journey, which the collection represents.

This edition of Král’s poems is divided into four volumes edited by the author himself. For the first time, the poems are published in the order in which they were originally written and most of them are only now presented in their final form. The editorial comments at the end of each volume also contain forewords or afterwords by the author, which accompanied the poems when they were first published.

Sebrané básně I
Větrné mlýny, 2013, 544 pp
Goodreads rating