Daniel Petr

The Magpie on the Gallows

Straka na šibenici Straka na šibenici
Straka na šibenici
Host, 2015, 229 pp
Literary fiction, Prose

Making sense of your life and getting to the bottom of your identity isn’t always a good thing.

Let us imagine Pieter Bruegel’s painting The Magpie on the Gallows, in which a boy sees the magpie sitting on a strange swing while a man fails to notice the bird because the sole focus of his attention is the gallows. The life of the novel’s protagonist, who is growing up in a ramshackle house on the fringes of a North Bohemian backwater with an alcoholic father, unfolds between these two perspectives. Although the hero is of above-average intelligence and learns to read earlier than his peers, his father’s warped views on education remain in thrall to spectre-filled ignorance that is practically medieval. As the hero’s life lurches from one mishap to the next, Bruegel’s painting keeps appearing to him as a fateful riddle he needs to solve.

About the author

Daniel Petr born 1975, studied Czech and History in Ústí and Labem and Slavonic Studies in Leipzig; a regular contributor to magazines, he has also published the novella Příběh z české mládeže (A Story of Czech Youth, 2005) and the novel Díra (The Hole, 2012).

Straka na šibenici
Host, 2015, 229 pp