Eugen Brikcius

Starting with a Loved One

Spouštění s milou Spouštění s milou
Spouštění s milou
Gallery, 2011, 110 pp

This is the twelfth book from Eugen Brikcius (1942), author of numerous radio, television and written mystifications, and a poet from the borders of drama, poetry and fiction. His formally refined and intellectually demanding verse brings together the spirit and the body in the style of classical literature and, in a manner purely contemporary and post-modern, creates layers of meanings, piling up references and contexts. To read Eugen Brikcius means to pursue his career as a philosopher and artist (primarily conceptually oriented) as well as to trace his private desires and passions. Since 1982, the author, who studied at University College, London, has divided his time between Vienna and Prague. Brikcius writes not only in Czech but also in German, English and Latin.

Spouštění s milou
Gallery, 2011, 110 pp