Jaroslav Rudiš

The End of Punk in Helsinki

Trans. Katarzyna Dudzic
Koniec punku w Helsinkach Koniec punku w Helsinkach
Koniec punku w Helsinkach
Książkowe Klimaty, 2013, 268 pp
Language: Polish

This novel portrays the last punk generation and its legacy after twenty years. Ole doesn’t expect much from life anymore. He is forty years old. He smokes, drinks and spends his evenings at a small dingy bar called Helsinki in a large East German city. The battered drinking den is the last haven for his old friends, lovers and deranged regulars. He is haunted by his smoke-coloured memories and the eyes of a young woman who chronicles her private revolution in her authentic diary to the rhythm of punk music. Cracked relationships, an incessant desire and efflux, a world that changes so rapidly that we have long stopped understanding it. Published in Czech by Labyrint 2010. Polish review.

Information about the original Czech edition

Konec punku v Helsinkách

Other selected published translations (5)

La fin des punks à Helsinki French

Punkin loppu Helsingissä Finnish

Vom Ende des Punks in Helsinki German

Het einde van de punk in Helsinki Dutch

Helsinki, dove il punk si è fermato Italian

Koniec punku w Helsinkach
Książkowe Klimaty, 2013, 268 pp
Language: Polish