New grants for publishing Czech literature abroad

The Czech Ministry of Culture now offers grants for copyright costs, printing, design, promotion and excerpt translations.


On 5 June, the Ministry of Culture announced new grants to support the publication of Czech literature abroad. The grants were created in cooperation with the Czech Literary Centre.

Publishers can apply for funding for:

  • translation costs (up to 50% of the total cost of publishing)
  • graphic design, typesetting and printing costs (up to 50% of the total cost of publishing)
  • copyright costs (up to 15% of the total cost of publishing)
  • promotion costs (up to 25% of the total cost of publishing)

Publishers, agents and translators can apply for funding for:

  • the translation of an excerpt of between 10–25 standard pages of text (a standard page is 1800 characters with spaces)

Magazines can apply for funding for:

  • translation costs (up to 50% of the total cost of publishing) of an issue where at least 50% of the total content is dedicated to original Czech literature

The new application in English, German and Czech can be downloaded from the Ministry of Culture website here.

The deadline to apply for the first round of these new grants is 15 November 2017.
