Roman Szpuk

And Tie Your Shoelaces

A zavaž si tkaničky A zavaž si tkaničky
A zavaž si tkaničky
65. pole, 2016, 348 pp
Goodreads rating
85.4% (Rated by 15 users)
Literary fiction, Prose

In this collection of diary entries, Roman Szpuk writes about the Šumava countryside, observing life in the region and capturing small, everyday stories. The narrator of the book is accompanied by Dominik, a child, and Zdeněk, a madman.

As in his previous book Chraplavé chorály (Hoarse Chants), which was nominated for the Josef Škvorecký Award, Szpuk reveals his remarkable inner view of the world. With rich language he develops classic literary techniques such as diary entries and prose poems. The author is a romantic rebel and a sensitive poet. Using terminology from art, music, theology and meteorology he reflects on powerful moments in wild nature. He focusses on the quieter and deeper side of human existence.


“Szpuk’s strength is his perceptiveness. He truly sees. He has an eye for paradox and ecstasy, for everything that isn’t superficial.”

— Aleš Palán, Hospodářské noviny

A zavaž si tkaničky
65. pole, 2016, 348 pp
Goodreads rating
85.4% (Rated by 15 users)