Jiří Kratochvil

Good Night, Sweet Dreams

Trans. Elena López Buixaderas
Buenas noches, dulces sueños Buenas noches, dulces sueños
Buenas noches, dulces sueños
Impedimenta, 2017, 352 pp
Language: Spanish
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
Goodreads rating
75.4% (Rated by 56 users)

A historical novel about one day at the end of WWII in the newly liberated city of Brno, where the main character searches for penicillin for a Jewish sanatorium.

Historical fiction, Literary fiction

It’s April 30, 1945. Brno’s city centre has been liberated, but the fights are still going on nearby, even though the majority of the Wehrmacht and SS units are on the retreat. Concentration camp survivors are coming home, but find their homes and houses already occupied. There is no electricity, gas, the waterworks are damaged, burials take place in gardens and public parks. It’s the so-called zero time, chaos and uncertainty regarding tomorrow reign supreme. Kratochvil’s novel, Goodnight, Sweet Dreams, combines rich imagination with factuality, turning tragedy into grotesque and vice versa.

More information in Spanish on the publisher’s website here.


“Kratochvil enhances the fragile poetic of a Bohumil Hrabal with the rough churlishness of a Günter Grass; he combines the cynicism of a Milan Kundera with the dreaming of a Bruno Schulz.”

—Andreas Breitenstein, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Information about the original Czech edition

Dobrou noc, sladké sny

Other selected published translations (1)

Gute Nacht, süße Träume German

Buenas noches, dulces sueños
Impedimenta, 2017, 352 pp
Language: Spanish
Foreign rights:
Dana Blatná Literary Agency
Goodreads rating
75.4% (Rated by 56 users)