Jiří Dvořák, Daniela Olejníková

Where We Live

Bydlíme Bydlíme
Baobab, 2019, 32 pp

“The book Where We Live goes beyond traditional books for children. The use of red and green not only looks attractive, but it also offers the opportunity to uncover analogies in the lives of people and animals. In the age-old conflict between humans and animals, the reader can alternate perspectives using transparent green and red film. The harmonious typography in the thoughtfully layered illustrations and the pleasing rhythm combine to produce a flawless overall experience from the book.”
— Most Beautiful Czech Books jury

What we have learned from animals about constructing our dwellings is revealed in this book, which can be looked at through two filters using different-coloured plastic sheets.

Children’s and Young Adult

Jiří Dvořák examines how animals and people create their homes. Burrows, nests, webs, excavated holes, castles, skyscrapers, palaces – all of these utilize what nature has to offer. The author of this interactive book has tried to show that the way in which people’s dwellings are constructed does not significantly differ from the way members of the animal kingdom create theirs, and that animals have also inspired people in the way they create their homes. The book has not only been designed to be read and looked at, but also to be examined more closely: the green plastic film shows the world of people and the red one the world of animals.

Jiří Dvořák (1970) is the author of books for children and young adults and educational history books. He studied at the College of Agriculture in Suchdol. Since graduating he has been employed as a magazine editor. His book Zpátky do Afriky! (Back to Africa!, 2005) was nominated in the Golden Ribbon competition in the category Literary Work of 2005. He is also the illustrator of the book Jak zvířata spí (How Animals Sleep, 2014).

“The book Where We Live goes beyond traditional books for children. The use of red and green not only looks attractive, but it also offers the opportunity to uncover analogies in the lives of people and animals. In the age-old conflict between humans and animals, the reader can alternate perspectives using transparent green and red film. The harmonious typography in the thoughtfully layered illustrations and the pleasing rhythm combine to produce a flawless overall experience from the book.”
— Most Beautiful Czech Books jury

Baobab, 2019, 32 pp