Kamil Bouška


Trans. Zofia Bałdyga
Inwentura Inwentura
Wydawnictwo j, 2021, 64 pp
Language: Polish

What is human and what is now inhuman? An inventory of the most important things that still make us human.

What is humanity and what is it founded upon? The uncompromising, dark descent into the most rank recesses of the human psyche in the collection Inventory does not show the reader the bright side of the planet’s intelligent inhabitants: the inventory of our existence works out very unfavourably for the poor accountant. Here humanity and its future is given up as a lost cause. Hearts are eaten alive, the word darling has a strangely repulsive ring to it, children live off human flesh, and relationships are consumed in a similar manner – each verse is dedicated to monstrosity and perversion. Despite all of this, at the very end of the collection the tiniest of spaces remains for love. The language of the poetry is just as earthy – there is nothing pretty about it. Prettiness is left up to the reader.

Information about the original Czech edition


Wydawnictwo j, 2021, 64 pp
Language: Polish