Ondřej Horák, Jiří Franta

Why Paintings Don’t Need Names

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Proč obrazy nepotřebují názvy
Labyrint/Raketa, 2015, 96 pp
 2015 Golden Ribbon Award – Art section: Non-fiction for children and youth
 2015 Magnesia Litera – For children and youth
Read an excerpt:
Goodreads rating
84.6% (Rated by 53 users)
Children’s and Young Adult  |  English sample translation available

One weekend Emma and Nick find out from their grandparents that the world “gallery” applies not only to contemporary shopping temples of consumerism, but also to friendly institutions, which accommodate children’s inherent need to ask, search and think. This year’s Magnesia Litera and Golden Ribbon-winning book uses dialogue-based prose, interlaced with gripping comic-book sequences, to turn exhibition spaces into frolicsome playgrounds that help humanise the forbidding sphere of “modern art”. An experienced advocate of art has joined forces with a notable protagonist of the comic-book circles to create a lovably condensed literary form, combining debates on art-history with light parody and live broadcast of a burglary involving Kazimir Malevich’s famous Black Square. The book includes information summarising main artists, schools, approaches, painting techniques, as well as some of the best-known cases of art theft, giving older school children a better understanding of why an original, and the originality of an artist’s vision, mean so much to us.


“This book can be more informative for readers than many general introductory texts about art history or theory.”

— Klára Kubíčková, MF Dnes

“Ondřej Horák and Jiří Franta have eschewed pedantry and instead gambled on children’s natural desire to ask questions.”

Magnesia Litera jury

Proč obrazy nepotřebují názvy
Labyrint/Raketa, 2015, 96 pp
 2015 Golden Ribbon Award – Art section: Non-fiction for children and youth
 2015 Magnesia Litera – For children and youth
Read an excerpt:
Goodreads rating
84.6% (Rated by 53 users)