Daniel Hradecký

Three chapters

Tři kapitoly: Dumdum - Výlety s otcem - Vikštejn Tři kapitoly: Dumdum - Výlety s otcem - Vikštejn
Tři kapitoly: Dumdum - Výlety s otcem - Vikštejn
Listen, 2020, 168 pp
 2021 Magnesia Litera – Prose
Literary fiction

If the first prose text of the poet Daniel Hradecký was called The Wreckage of a Diary, his new prose could boldly follow the subtitle The Wreckage of a Novel. The trinity of linguistically honed, short prose is filled with testimony about the struggle of an individual with existence on the margins, not only of social exclusion, but also of that ontological abyss. The narrower the circumstances in the narrator’s circumstances, the wider his mind is in a hardly ironic analysis of the world around him. Alcohol, family pathology, northern Bohemia, but also a relentless will – these are the components of a telescope aimed at the cold darkness of the universe.

Tři kapitoly: Dumdum - Výlety s otcem - Vikštejn
Listen, 2020, 168 pp
 2021 Magnesia Litera – Prose