Eva Hauserová

Eva Hauserová

Writer, journalist, translator, screenwriter and blogger. She alternates between sci-fi literature and gender journalism and is one of the most important Czech feminists. She originally studied biology. She was born in Prague on 25 November 1954.

Title Publisher Year Selected published translations Awards
Nights at Party Central (Noc v Mejdlovarně) Argo 2014
Fish Games (Rybí hry) Andrej Šťastný 2010
The Madwomen (Cvokyně) VN 2009
Chez nous in Agony (U nás v Agonii) Triton 2006
Frozen Cat Blues (Blues zmražené kočky) Andrej Šťastný 2005
Butterfly Time Catchers (Lapače času – fejetony a jiné obrázky doby) Votobia 2001
Madla´s Progress in Seven Steps or The Attraction of Western Men (Zrání Madly v sedmi krocích aneb Přitažlivost západních mužů) ROD 2000
When the Fates Make a Mistake (Když se sudičky spletou) Maťa 2000
A Handbook of Militant Feminism (Příručka militantního feminismu (pod pseudonymem Johana Suková)) Reneco 1999
But Aren´t You a Women?... A Small, Slightly Feminist Guide (Jsi přece ženská ... malý, lehce feministický rádce) Grada 1998
Broomsticks Can Also Be Used for Flying (Na koštěti se dá i lítat) Lidové noviny 1995
The Madwomen (Cvokyně) Ivo Železný 1992
A Feast of Mutagens (Hostina mutagenů) Svoboda 1992
Noc v Mejdlovarně
Nights at Party Central
Noc v Mejdlovarně
Rybí hry
Fish Games
Rybí hry
The Madwomen
U nás v Agonii
Chez nous in Agony
U nás v Agonii
Blues zmražené kočky
Frozen Cat Blues
Blues zmražené kočky
Lapače času – fejetony a jiné obrázky doby
Butterfly Time Catchers
Lapače času – fejetony a jiné obrázky doby
Zrání Madly v sedmi krocích aneb Přitažlivost západních mužů
Madla´s Progress in Seven Steps or The Attraction of Western Men
Zrání Madly v sedmi krocích aneb Přitažlivost západních mužů
Když se sudičky spletou
When the Fates Make a Mistake
Když se sudičky spletou
Příručka militantního feminismu (pod pseudonymem Johana Suková)
A Handbook of Militant Feminism
Příručka militantního feminismu (pod pseudonymem Johana Suková)
Jsi přece ženská ... malý, lehce feministický rádce
But Aren´t You a Women?... A Small, Slightly Feminist Guide
Jsi přece ženská ... malý, lehce feministický rádce
Na koštěti se dá i lítat
Broomsticks Can Also Be Used for Flying
Na koštěti se dá i lítat
The Madwomen
Hostina mutagenů
A Feast of Mutagens
Hostina mutagenů
In spite of the necessary degree of fictitious invention, [The Madwomen] is distinctly autobiographical (in the best sense of the word). So we don’t find an obfuscating haze of sentimentality in it; on the contrary, despite its humorous conception, its stocktaking directness actually comes through very strongly, especially on the question of motherhood and the associated taboo loss of social prestige for women who are sidelined into households.
—Eva Klíčová

The author worked closely with the group of sci-fi enthusiasts called Československý fandom. Her first work was a collection of sci-fi short stories called Hostina mutagenů (A Feast of Mutagens, Svoboda, 1992), which she followed up with the sci-fi novel Cvokyně (The Madwomen, Ivo Železný, 1992). The main character, Nora, demoralized by Normalization at the end of the 1980s and by marital disagreements, is able to go back eight years in time thanks to a new scientific machine. Here we can already see two of Eva Hauserová’s main sources of inspiration – feminism and science fiction. The short stories Když se sudičky spletou (When the Fates Make a Mistake, Maťa, 2000) draw from both of these themes. She then returned to sci-fi in 2006 with the short stories U nás v Agonii (Chez nous in Agony, Triton, 2006).

In addition to this she also writes lighter novels – Zrání Madly v sedmi krocích aneb Přitažlivost západních mužů (Madla’s Progress in Seven Steps or The Attractiveness of Western Men, ROD Brno, 2000), Rybí hry (Fish Games, Nakladatelství Andrej Šťastný, 2010) and a horror from the world of ecological activists, Blues zmražené kočky (Frozen Cat Blues, Šťastný, 2005), where another of Hauserová’s main themes surfaces – ecology. Her last book to date is the novel Noc v mejdlovarně (A Night at Party Central, Argo, 2014), in which three women who lived through the years of communist Normalization admit the truth about what and who they feel guilty about.

Eva Hauserová has also written several feminist books (Na koštěti se dá i lítat, Jsi přece ženská, Příručka militantního feminismu, [Broomsticks Can Also Be Used for Flying, But Aren’t You a Woman? A Handbook of Militant Feminism), and edited several others. She is interested in permaculture, she edited the collection Letem světem permakultury (A Flight Around the World of Permaculture) and she is editor of the magazine Klíčová dírka (Keyhole).

She has translated dozens of women’s novels and Harlequins (Mills and Boon) from English, as well as the Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler.